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  • Writer's pictureFuturistic Girl

The Struggles of Being a Creative

Being a creative is a beautiful thing, but it is difficult to be a successful creative.  I love being a creative because I feel we move the culture forward, and art has no set rules.  There are no limits.  Sometimes society and real life situations can inspire stories, but it can also drain all of my creativity and make me feel like there's no beauty in the world. Also, many people don't take creatives seriously and downplay our talent.  Everyone has their own gift.  Some are working a 9 to 5 sitting at a desk and dealing with numbers while others are artists that paint, draw, sculpt, sing, write, play an instrument, make films, etc.  There should be a place for all of us.  Creativity and art is needed in this fucked up world and makes it bearable at times.  You can see a different world in someone else's eyes.  It's a gift to use your experiences and feelings and transform it into positive, cathartic art that can be interpreted and consumed by the world   At the end of the day, I just want to be successful and create content.  Is that too much to ask?  I don't think so.  I just want to say to creatives is that use your gift and follow your dreams.

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