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  • Writer's pictureFuturistic Girl

Advice for Teens Going Vegan

Going vegan sounds like a daunting task to most people, especially teens.  The average teen's diet mostly consists of junk food such as chips, sodas, sweets.  You know everything but what is healthy.  Our diets lack fiber, vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals, things that plant based food is full of.  We actually don't need as much protein as we are eating.  Some people eat two steaks when one steak has about 20 to 30 grams of protein.  The body can't digest twice that in one sitting.  So to start a journey into eating a vegan diet, you need to slowly eliminate meat, dairy, eggs, any animal derivative from your diet.  It is important not to rush it because the detox period is rough, and it will be easy to maintain if you take it step by step.  Find healthy, vegan versions of non-vegan meals or foods that you like.  Focus on what healthy foods you like instead of what you don't like.  Make sure you getting all of your necessary nutrients such as protein, fiber, and vitamins.  Just explore all the different plant-based options.  The benefits of a plant-based diet are numerous.  You don't need to eat the flesh of a dead animal to get your nutrients when it comes from the earth already.  Stay healthy!!

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